Thank you to everyone who submitted a session or workshop proposals!
The Alaska Chapter of the American Planning Association (APA) hosts an annual gathering of community leaders and planners to share and learn about issues impacting Alaskan communities and residents today and in the future.
The 2020 Conference emphasized creative ways community, regional and state partners, including municipal, tribal, and non-profit partners, are working together to develop and implement creative short and long-term solutions for some of our biggest challenges.
WHERE: Marriott Anchorage Downtown, 820 West 7th Avenue, Anchorage Alaska, 99501
WHEN: February 9-11, 2020
Preliminary Conference/Session Topics – Best Practices and Inventive and Collaborative Solutions for:
Addressing Environmental Change
Building and Sustaining Community Infrastructure
Building Affordable and Quality Housing
Creating and Implementing Successful Economic Development Strategies
Planning Across Cultures and Jurisdictions
Understanding and Collaborating with Municipal Partners
Understanding and Collaborating with State and Federal Partners
Understanding and Collaborating with Private and Non-Profit Partners
Understanding and Collaborating with Tribes, Alaska Native Village and Regional Corporations
Collecting Data, Monitoring and Evaluating Community Projects
Check out the Draft At-A-Glance Agenda for a detailed breakdown of the three day conference and learn about our Keynote Speakers!

How To Submit A Proposal:
DEADLINE: Friday, December 20, 2019
Email and/or Attached Word Document:
Email Title – In the subject of your email, type: “2020 AK Planning Conference Proposal”.
Contact Information – In the body of your email, or in an attached Word document, include your name, title, organization, phone and email.
Session Name – In the body of your email, or in an attached Word document, include a catchy, yet descriptive session title (brief, 5 to 6 words).
Session Topic(s) – See potential list from above. In the body of your email, or in an attached Word document, indicate which topic your proposal most closely aligns with.
Session Structure (NOTE: The conference committee will determine session length after a thorough review of potential speakers and presenters. Standard equipment, including laptop, projector, screen, microphone and wireless internet will be available for speaker/presenter use).
In the body of your email, or in an attached Word document, indicate one of the following:
Presentation (single presenter)
Panel (multiple speakers, with moderator)
Mobile workshop (occurs off‐site)
Interactive work session/planning lab (hands‐on techniques)
A format you don’t see? Please suggest.
Session Description and Purpose – In the body of your email, or in an attached Word document, include a short paragraph that clearly but concisely explains your proposed session, what participants will learn, how the session relates to the conference theme and identified topic(s). Provide enough detail so the conference committee can make an informed selection (250‐word maximum).
AICP Certification: In the body of your email, or in an attached Word document, indicate one of the following:
My session should be considered for certified maintenance (CM) credits.
My session has been utilized as CM credits under AICP.
Email and/or Attached Word Document:
shelly@agnewbeck.com, Conference Committee Chair, 2020 AK Planning Conference
No other attachments/materials will be accepted. The committee will follow‐up with a request for more information if/as needed.
Comments or Questions? Contact Shelly Wade: shelly@agnewbeck.com; 907‐242‐5326.
DON’T FORGET – The DEADLINE is Friday, December 20th, 2019.